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This is a recently bred snacking line by our plant breeder Levon Cookson, and is crisp and sweet with low seed, making it the perfect snacking capsicum.  The colour is a rich orange and has an extra sweet capsicum flavour.

Little Sweet Orange 1000 seed pack

  • Bush caracter is medium (can be grown without trellis) in field production. and medium to tall under protected cropping (requiring trellising)

    85 days to first pick from transplant.  tending to have a heavy first fruit set followed by continuous production

    Fruit character

    -30g fruit weight, 60-100mm long
    -Brix: average 10.2 at full colour in high light intensity
    -Wall thickness: averaging 5mm thick
    -Seed Distribution: tight and close to the calyx end of the fruit

    -Shelf life: good shelf life. 20 days plus (at optimal firmness) if picked 50% colour and kept in controled environment.

    Resistance (HR,IR,T): Lt: IR, Crac: HR, St:HR

    Lt: powdery mildew, St: stip

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